Sleep Packages
Select Newborn package (0 - 4 months of age) OR
Gold/Silver/Platinum package (4 months thru 6 years of age)
Newborn Package $125
60 minute phone call to go over:
Safe sleep practices
Establishing healthy sleep habits
How to read sleepy cues
Wrap up email which includes the above​
Silver Package $175
Review of intake form & follow up questions via email
Customized step-by-step nap and bedtime sleep plan
2 email exchanges to be used within 2 weeks of implementation
Gold Package $275
Review of intake form
Complete assessment of your child's sleep challenges
60 minute phone consultation to discuss your family's personal sleep goals
Customized step-by-step nap and bedtime sleep plan
Daily email support for 1 week
Wrap Up email to ensure continued success!
Platinum Package $375
Review of intake form
Complete assessment of your child's sleep challenges
60 minute phone consultation to discuss your family's personal sleep goals
Customized step-by-step nap and bedtime sleep plan
Shared sleep log to track naps, bedtime and wakings
Support to discuss progress and review sleep log
Wrap Up email to ensure continued success!​​​​
Ask Me Anything Call $75/30min or $130/60min
30 min call to pick my brain about anything sleep related:
Daily schedules
Sleep environment
Sleep habits
Perfect for returning clients who need a refresher
Expectant parents with questions